Tuesday 6 June 2017

my cock

my hard cock_ Cuc:Should I talk to my best friend that I have a problem with her?(4 June 2017) Cuc:I don’t really like her friends (be friends with whoever you want by all means) but I feel like I’m coming in second and I’m never the first to know whats going on in her life.(4 June 2017) Cuc:I [...]

He left me with the excuse it's not you it's me.
(6 June 2017)

I was with him through all his problem I made sure he was good I made sure he did good with his college work . I was there through his family problems I was there when people turned against him but he still found a way to break my heart.
(6 June 2017)

I was there for my ex, my ex was my first everything.
(6 June 2017)

I haven't thought about him in forever . I've even blocked him and his girl on fb long time ago but somehow people still find ways to bring him in my mind.
(6 June 2017)

Yes I shouldn't dwell on the past but I recently was sent pics of my ex and his girl.
(6 June 2017)

BF ignoring me so I can't break up w him?
(6 June 2017)

Im really into my friend at the moment and I'm pretty sure it's mutual but I can't just cheat on my boyfriend bc technically we're still together.
(6 June 2017)

I also just started summer vacation so I won't seem him until late August so it's not like I can break up w him at school.
(6 June 2017)

Problem is he literally won't answer my calls or text messages so I can't really break up with him?
(6 June 2017)

Long story short my boyfriend and I have simply drifted apart and I don't want to be with him anymore.
(6 June 2017)

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