Wednesday 7 June 2017

Men: what do you prefer to call a

Men: what do you prefer to call a vagina?_ Lurline:I gave my number to a total stranger just cause he was driving a nice car.. did I screw up?(5 June 2017) Lurline:Was it wrong of me to meet someone that way?(5 June 2017) Lurline:I wasn’t fully processing.. I mean I just woke up.(5 June 2017) Lurline:He flirted with me [...]

Everyone please listen to my story and help me with your words?
(6 June 2017)

Never get a message from anyone or any friend to ask about me unless I ask.
(6 June 2017)

He promised me a lot I'm the only one who stayed with him during his hard time but when he felt good he left me.
(6 June 2017)

I loved someone deeply and he left me with no care about my feelings.
(6 June 2017)

I want to work I've been looking for jobs for so long and no one ever give me a chance to start so I'm not making anything in this life I feel I'm not worthy.
(6 June 2017)

I'm going to college to finish my degree but I'm always feeling that im not moving stil at the same place that feeling hurt me the most.
(6 June 2017)

I'm 26 years old, people say I'm beautiful but no one fell in love with me yet.
(6 June 2017)

My friend is so vulnerable?
(6 June 2017)

I spoke to my friend after she told me she had taken an overdose and wants to kill herself because this girl threatened her to sleep with men and told her to take the weed.
(6 June 2017)

I rang her today and some girl was with saying they were smoking weed and getting drunk and this girl is really chavy and not nice person.
(6 June 2017)

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