Sunday 18 June 2017

hypothetical questions…

Can fat people go skinny-dipping?Can you be a closet claustrophobic?Why is the word abbreviation so long?Is it possible to be totally partial? If a book about failures doesn’t sell, is it a success?Wh_ Augustina:I see her brother as a friend but I’m worried that he has a crush on me.(17 June 2017) Augustina:I went to the fair [...]

I don't wanna hurt her feelings if she finds out I was just using her.
(18 June 2017)

I was just looking for free blowjobs and good sex and now I feel stuck.
(18 June 2017)

She's already talking about getting serious but I don't wanna become a stepfather right now.
(18 June 2017)

I spent like a few hrs with them and her kids absolutely love me after just meeting me once.
(18 June 2017)

Earlier today she invited me to hang out with her and her 2 young kids.
(18 June 2017)

And honestly I have been just using her for sex.
(18 June 2017)

We meet up like twice a week and I can tell she really likes me already.
(18 June 2017)

I met this girl about a month ago on a dating app.
(18 June 2017)

My sister won t sleep with me anymore?
(18 June 2017)

I even offered to use a condom that time but she still said no.
(18 June 2017)

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