Sunday, 11 June 2017

Getting ready for work

{=}Good morning everyone!_ Margret:Also I don’t want to talk to him after what he did to me, but I’m a shy person and am too scared to tell him that I don’t want to talk to him again.(9 June 2017) Grace:I NEED SOMEONES OPINION!! Do you guys think he sent it to me on purpose just to [...]

It's just for fun and I'm confident with my body.
(11 June 2017)

Twerking and belly dancing is usually involved in the videos.
(11 June 2017)

I'm 15 and I make music videos, like lots of other teens.
(11 June 2017)

Baby's voice got deeper after falling?
(11 June 2017)

I did take a first aid course so he has no signs of a major concussion or SiS but it's just his voice that worries me.
(11 June 2017)

Next day it feels as if his voice got deeper, I remember it being really high pitched before but now he sound similar to (sorry if I'm being rude) how a special needs kid would talk if they couldn't really make out words.
(11 June 2017)

Fast forward to 7 months he fell off the bed again after barricading the area with a ton of heavy pillows, he can't crawl yet but I think he found the corner where the pillows met to push through.
(11 June 2017)

So my little brother fell off the bed when he was 5 months old since he somehow learned to push himself the moment we weren't there (He usually stayed still and watched TV). Nothing happened and he was the same.
(11 June 2017)

I am thinking of leaving him, but my mom thinks I am overeacting. no I am trying to get money to leave before I seriously become a drunk.
(11 June 2017)

I am thinking of leaving him, but my mom thinks I am overeacting.
(11 June 2017)

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