Sunday 4 June 2017

6 months into Philly stay

Ladies, hope you are especially reading this, we hope some of you are looking for same thing. Close sexual friendship. No games, just mutual passion and pleasure. If you are just into one of us that i_ Shayna:Things ended really weirdly between us, but we still see each other at work and say Hi to one [...]

Its like they are realy interested in the beginning, they will even go on average on 2 dates with me which actually seem to go well, but then after like 2 to 4 weeks they completely lose interest and ignore me.
(4 June 2017)

And I am really sexually frustrated at this point, because i never get past 2nd base with girls.
(4 June 2017)

I am a 18 year old guy, and still a virgin.
(4 June 2017)

Why does my girlfriend like to lay on top of me when sleeping?
(4 June 2017)

My ex is being manipulated how do I make him realize?
(4 June 2017)

Anyway I feel bad for him even though he hurt me how do I help this he thinks I lying to him about her.
(4 June 2017)

My ex is sensitive and insecure and a bit narcissitic so she probably tells him what he wants to hear etc etc and then gets everything she wants out of him meaning money trips etc etc.
(4 June 2017)

It was emotionally exhausting and I couldn't take it anymore and so after his last silent treatment I finally told him I'm done.
(4 June 2017)

My ex and I broke up a year ago because well he would give me the silent treatment all the time dump me then want me back etc.
(4 June 2017)

Why would he ask me that?
(4 June 2017)

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