Friday 12 May 2017

The art of seduction (AAF style)

As it sometimes seem the art of romance and seduction have been lost around this site I thought I would take a moment and outline a few points that might be helpful.Please feel free to correct any err_ Kathern:For example, the other day I was talking about how I feel racism is stupid and the color [...]

It was negative and I got my period.
(11 May 2017)

I bought a pregnancy test and took it.
(11 May 2017)

I have a boyfriend and we are sexually active and I recently had a pregnancy scare because my period was late.
(11 May 2017)

I go to college, but I still live at home and commute.
(11 May 2017)

Why does everything I say sound sexual?
(11 May 2017)

Whenever I say something, it ends up sounding sexual to others but when someone else says it, people think nothing of it.
(11 May 2017)

Why does my girlfriend try to get me to say she's overweight and then gets mad at me when I agree with her?
(11 May 2017)

I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.
(11 May 2017)

And then when I say nothing and avoid arguing about it with her because I don't care that she's overweight and that I still love her, she gets mad anyways because she thinks I'm lying.
(11 May 2017)

She tries to trick me into saying she's fat and needs to go to the gym and when she tells me she thinks she is too fat and she forces me to agree with her, she gets mad at me.
(11 May 2017)

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