Monday 22 May 2017

Siamese Twins

Yes, you read it correctly. Nothing politically incorrect about it. So, I have been wanting to write about another series I have been watching, from the library. American Horror Story. I have wanted t_ Janice:And that’s saying a lot, because I generally do not find humans to be cute.(21 May 2017) Janice:Actually I’m one myself but whenever [...]

I helped my family in my early twenties and I transferred to a good 4 year university to study from my cc while working, paying my own rent and living expenses.
(22 May 2017)

I grew up poor and I've been a workaholic.
(22 May 2017)

What should I do about my straight friend?
(22 May 2017)

I'm in too deep emotionally now.
(22 May 2017)

He is board w life and even women but still pursue them.
(22 May 2017)

I luv him n tell him all the time.
(22 May 2017)

When sober he's completely hetero n wants nothing to do with me in that way n tells me.
(22 May 2017)

When drunk he has kissed me n twice now we have gone home together n cuddled.
(22 May 2017)

I'm 21 and he's 30. We went out twice and had sex twice. I feel like he has a girlfriend though. Should I confirm it?
(22 May 2017)

We'll be going out just for dinner in a few days.
(22 May 2017)

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