Tuesday 23 May 2017

Just a start

He asked me what I would want to be doing other than work…I think a nice dinner a couple drinks to wind down the day. Then I may pull my long black skirt up enough to straddle your lap, lean in clos_ Thelma:Birth control fail?(22 May 2017) Thelma:I’ve been on time with all my shots so I [...]

She is also mad at me cause me and my ex are friends again.
(23 May 2017)

She has always been controlling and has hurt me before and I knew I needed to get out of our friendship but idea right now.
(23 May 2017)

Why is she suddenly lashing out at me like this.
(23 May 2017)

When in reality I am very mature and she's the immature one.
(23 May 2017)

Ok so my bestfriend of 14 years today suddenly wrote me a note saying I don't want to be friends anymore cause your immature and never mature.
(23 May 2017)

Would u be ok with it if ur mom randomly signed u up for something u hate?
(23 May 2017)

Do u think I'm right to be mad and want to quit?
(23 May 2017)

Plus, I started too late for piano to look good on college applications so there's like no reason for me to do this.
(23 May 2017)

Everyday he's coming over I start to freak out and get this horrible feeling in my stomach like I'm about to go on the scariest roller coaster in the world.
(23 May 2017)

He always says mean things in a nice tone to like be funny or something?
(23 May 2017)

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