Friday 7 April 2017

There is no such product as a streaming analytics for retail or network optimization product

For streaming to break beyond early adopters, it has to become less of a do-it-yourself homegrown software development project. And with the explosion of IoT data come even more compelling use cases for taking action on data in the here and now. Few clients are asking us about streaming._ Toni:Will she open up to anybody … Continue reading There is no such product as a streaming analytics for retail or network optimization product

So that leaves me 5 hours during work week of freedom.
(6 April 2017)

When I get home, family wants to spend an hour eating dinner wasting my time on stories about stuff who cares.
(6 April 2017)

So basically I have 2 hours of freedom a day after work.
(6 April 2017)

I feel like a prisoner sitting 10 hours at work a day.
(6 April 2017)

Just curious about the plan b pill?
(6 April 2017)

When a guy asks a girl to go to his yoga class with him... is it ever because he just likes yoga?
(6 April 2017)

Can being nervous cause an upset stomach?
(6 April 2017)

Can nervousness cause your stomach to be upset for a few days or am I getting sick.
(6 April 2017)

I've been up late a couple nights and used coffee to stay up.
(6 April 2017)

In a similar time frame I've started to have an upset stomach.
(6 April 2017)

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