Thursday 27 April 2017

Then group the blocks of Scripture and write a sentence to summarise the group of blocks

Look for connecting words and themes. Difficult verses that pretty much always have a corresponding verse that says the same thing in a simpler way. Is there a principle on display? Is there a matter of wisdom to be considered? Is there an idea I had never considered or truly taken to heart before?

I was not on birth control either.
(26 April 2017)

He's 26. During sex for the past 2 months, when he finished he would just come in me. (This was a mutual decision). Yes this was stupid.
(26 April 2017)

We have a great connection and I can picture spending the rest of my life with him.
(26 April 2017)

We have known each other for over 5 months before we started dating though.
(26 April 2017)

I am 6 weeks pregnant with my boyfriend of 4 months.
(26 April 2017)

What does it mean if he sometimes texts back immediately and other times takes a long time to text back?
(26 April 2017)

I call him sweet names and by the way I talk to him you would think I love him.
(26 April 2017)

When a man can t text me back i find it kind of a turn off and for all I know I m probably giving this guy way more of me than he deserves.
(26 April 2017)

For some reason I am suspicious of him having other women in his life.
(26 April 2017)

He has an 8 year old daughter and works long days.
(26 April 2017)


Well, back in June 2015 my husband quit his job to start a business with his sister.
(26 April 2017)

Rent, car insurance, daycare, electric, water, internet, etc.
(26 April 2017)

When my husband and I moved in together, we decided that all mutual bills would be split down the middle.
(26 April 2017)

Is Someone Stalking Me?
(26 April 2017)

Is there a meaning behind this, or am I crazy?
(26 April 2017)

I found a single playing card, King Of Hearts, in my mailbox today.
(26 April 2017)

Why isn t he talking to me?
(26 April 2017)

All I want to do is talk to him for goodness sake.
(26 April 2017)

I just don t know why someone who obviously loves you and you obviously love him would do that.
(26 April 2017)

I haven t been pressuring him or anything just asking to talk and he won t even respond to that.
(26 April 2017)

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