Wednesday 19 April 2017


Ok men,When you grab your cock and squeeze it to the point your finger tips turn white and your little man magically appears at least an inch bigger, and you take a picture, you aren’t fooling anyone._ Jeana:And as I was still worried, a few days after that I took a vitamin C pill every hour [...]

I am getting mixed signals, when he talks to me it's like he's so excited but then I don't hear from him.
(19 April 2017)

But his busy streak should've ended Monday & haven't heard from him for 2 days.
(19 April 2017)

He's had a very busy 2 weeks, which he apologized for the lack of communication.
(19 April 2017)

I've been seeing a guy who we have arranged as primarily fwb, although it's seems obvious it's more.
(19 April 2017)

Now she is taking like 24 hrs to respond to my every text?
(19 April 2017)

We then arranged to meet up yesterday but she blew me off the night before because she said she had work.
(19 April 2017)

We texted for about half a day after that then she just didn't respond to one of my texts.
(19 April 2017)

Okay im from Tennessee and I approached a girl I had been crushing on for ages about 2 weeks ago and asked for her number and she gave it to me.
(19 April 2017)

Sometimes I could barely get him to talk back and other times, he was really friendly with me. - I still catch him staring and glancing at me, but only when he thinks I won't notice.
(19 April 2017)

I also hinted that I still liked him but nothing came of that. - Every time I've seen him since then, I'm usually the one to make the first effort to talk.
(19 April 2017)

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