Wednesday 19 April 2017

Shakesperian Epigram

To be, or not to be–that is the question:Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortuneOr to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by opposing end them. To die,_ Dorthey:When he was a cop after a shooting she told him to get over it and called him a bad [...]

Weve been together for a good 7 months.
(19 April 2017)

Were goiing to be meeting up in 6 months, hopefully not a year, but a year at the latest.
(19 April 2017)

But my boyfriend is saying that hes having a lot of sexual frustration.
(19 April 2017)

Weve never had sex in real life before.
(19 April 2017)

She put my hand up to her boobs once.
(19 April 2017)

I kept grabbing outside and went inside and if she would have told me to stop I would.
(19 April 2017)

I told her if anything makes her uncomfortable to tell me and I'll stop.
(19 April 2017)

I was invited to a girls room, we cuddled, she was flirty, I grabbed her leg, butt, boobs etc. when I tried to go inside she said no, so I didn't.
(19 April 2017)

Will my pregnancy test be accurate?
(19 April 2017)

Or should i wait to see if i get my period again?
(19 April 2017)

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