Saturday, 8 April 2017

I also told her that I want to be strong for her and Cole

There is no chance I could get anything in with Cole at 14 months old, so I wait until he takes a morning nap to train. Now, she repeats those things to me. I tried to make sure I never mentioned weight or anything when my daughter was little. I always wanted her to know … Continue reading "I also told her that I want to be strong for her and Cole"

At the same time I hate my job but I still value good work ethic.
(7 April 2017)

We rarely see each other & I wanted to be there for him this one day, plus he wants me to meet his family.
(7 April 2017)

When other employees constantly request off days she has no issue with it asking me to cover their shifts (which I do with no problem), but when I do it's a problem?
(7 April 2017)

I've been with the company longer than any employee (ppl constantly quitting) and rarely take off unless there's a reason.
(7 April 2017)

Even though I pretty much hate my contract job and am looking for something better I rarely take off work, so when I asked my boss if I could take this Sunday off and she seemed upset it confused me.
(7 April 2017)

We're in a LDR and see each other once a month or every other month.
(7 April 2017)

I'm talking to a guy who wants to get to know me more but whenever we speak through text he calls me choice words what does this mean?
(7 April 2017)

Would you still love your dad if he did this?
(7 April 2017)

Then you find out he's talking to a new woman on the phone and you find pictures of different woman on his cell phone.
(7 April 2017)

You come home one day and she has a black eye.
(7 April 2017)

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