Saturday, 15 April 2017

Her grandparents were very successful entrepreneurs who were quite well off

Both of her parents worked a couple of jobs, and always struggled for money. Soon they were all back to broke and it had a negative effect in the way they interacted with each other. Her take away was that easy money was bad. Her takeaway from this was asking for money was bad._ Dolores:I … Continue reading "Her grandparents were very successful entrepreneurs who were quite well off"

Why you must you be so selfish, or is Satan's grip too strong that you are merely his toy?
(15 April 2017)

Why do you refuse to pay your DEBT by showing Him respect and attend church on Sunday?
(15 April 2017)

He died for your sins and He saved you from Satan.
(15 April 2017)

If someone bullies you severely is it ok to murder them?
(15 April 2017)

I don't know what to do about how I feel?
(15 April 2017)

Hi I'm a 16 year old high school student and I'm a devoted Cristian.
(15 April 2017)

What goes through a guy's mind when he touches his girlfriend's breasts or butt?
(15 April 2017)

Closest thing would be maybe going to a coffee shop together.
(15 April 2017)

Most of our other friends have ditched us for popularity reasons Although we aren't going to be hanging out alone any time soon.
(15 April 2017)

Okay honest question here I like this girl and she told me she doesn t have a boyfriend but a friend of a friend says she does?
(15 April 2017)

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