Saturday 8 April 2017

Happy New Year to all!!!!

Wishing all you beautiful girls\ladies\babes a wonderful new year. Have a wonderful party tonight and a prosperous,sexy,naughty,amazing year ahead.\8…\8> > !_ Teodora:If an ugly guy who no else one wants passes up a pretty girl with a good personality, then he must be..?(6 April 2017) Magan:Crush has a complete change of tone when talking to me compared [...]

My mom told me he does stare at her.
(8 April 2017)

My brother told me he doesn't stare at him.
(8 April 2017)

He has a wife but for some reason, he is always standing outside his house on his porch just staring at women.
(8 April 2017)

Everyday when I'm walking to school and coming back home, this one neighbor (who lives just a block away from me) ALWAYS stands outside his house and stares at me.
(8 April 2017)

Is he a fair wearher friend?
(8 April 2017)

Furthermore he will always try to coerce me into drinking when we hang out, once even claiming I was no fun when sober.
(8 April 2017)

His reaction was to say if I did not stop talking about this he would leave.
(8 April 2017)

Over the course of the night we got to talking about suicide, I decided to open up about the fact that I once in the past tried to commit it.
(8 April 2017)

Another time him, one other close mutual friend and I were hanging out.
(8 April 2017)

I asked for his help once to move and he said sure, then the day came along and he said that he had accidentally taken a shift at work.
(8 April 2017)

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