Sunday 30 April 2017


One of my favorite pics!!_ Adrianne:She is getting blamed for all of this by her parents.(29 April 2017) Adrianne:Her parents always fight and her dad wants to move out.(29 April 2017) Adrianne:Her family is falling apart, her mom is going insane.(29 April 2017) Adrianne:She has 2 older brothers and a little sister.(29 April 2017) Magdalene:Having trouble conceiving. NEED advice!?(29 April [...]

Sounds like it to me, that both length and girth matter.
(30 April 2017)

For having really intense and amazing penetration?
(30 April 2017)

What should I do with my African husband? I cook for him, clean for him, give him oral sex twice a day, don't argue?
(30 April 2017)

But he is demanding my salary from work?
(30 April 2017)

Poll : Is it normal that I like tasting my dildo after masturbating?
(30 April 2017)

Help! Someone raided my porn collection!?
(30 April 2017)

Using my psychology class to attract girls?
(30 April 2017)

Third, I m gona play her favorite song when she comes in so she unconsciously will be relating the happiness with that song with me.
(30 April 2017)

Also we are naturally attracted to red, so I m gona start wearing more red.
(30 April 2017)

From what I read if 2 people stare into each others eyes for 2 minutes they will feel slightly attracted, so I was thinking about starting a stareing contest with this girl at work i like.
(30 April 2017)

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