Sunday 30 April 2017

Cowboys do it better!

Is it wrong to wanna bite this?_ Deedra:I’ve taken multiple degrees at a top college, because I basically have nothing better to do.(30 April 2017) Deedra:Not like doctor or investment banker rich, and more like CEO rich.(30 April 2017) Deedra:I don’t want to seem like I’m bragging, but my parents are rich.(30 April 2017) Audie:My boyfriend wants another threesome?(30 [...]

I'm 21, female Not in college due to a financial situation Trying to get a job, but get turned down every time No friends No boyfriend I want to fix my life, but I don't know how.
(30 April 2017)

Why am I so ugly? My parents aren't and neither is my sister?
(30 April 2017)

I know I can't fix my face, so is there any other way to be happier?
(30 April 2017)

Guys refuse to talk to me unless they absolutely have to.
(30 April 2017)

The farthest I've got with a guy is holding hands when we are forced to for something.
(30 April 2017)

I'm 16 and never had a boyfriend or a first kiss or anything.
(30 April 2017)

I'm so sad because I know I'll be ugly forever and I don't want to be forever alone.
(30 April 2017)

No one in my distant family is as ugly as me so I don't know where I get it from.
(30 April 2017)

Whenever I go to a dance people call all my friends pretty but only say my dress is pretty, nothing about the rest of me.
(30 April 2017)

The only time someone calls me pretty is when they are calling a group of people that I'm with pretty and know it would be rude to just leave me out.
(30 April 2017)

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