Belize // Lorene:He said can we still be friends.(8 April 2017) Lorene:I felt guilty so I told him the next day.(8 April 2017) Lorene:He did have his hand on on the back of my head.(8 April 2017) Lorene:But when we touched lips it was like his tongue was in my mouth but I was kissing him.(8 [...]
Why am I so upset mad about this girl engaged?
(9 April 2017)
Why would a guy tell you he is cheating on you wouldnt he want to keep it a secret and let me find out from someone esle or catch him?
(9 April 2017)
Why do people think lowly of men who date a girl for her personality rather than her looks?
(9 April 2017)
Why would a guy walk out of a unborn child's life?
(9 April 2017)
My boyfriend wants to give me an alabama hot pocket, what the heck is that?
(9 April 2017)
I don't know if he is ignoring me because of that... He's hella confusing.
(9 April 2017)
I don't know if my question about his friend bothered him or not?
(9 April 2017)
Still no response.... He usually answers in like 5 minutes and when we are texting back and forth, he responds hella fast like in a minute after my text.
(9 April 2017)
The next day, I realized I lost my physics notes and I asked him if he could send me those notes.
(9 April 2017)
Then I tried to keep the convo going and asked some other stuff but he didn't answer at all.
(9 April 2017)
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