Wednesday 12 April 2017

And so it begins…

[image]“Lighthearted love, creativity, children, and sports will be your happiness this year. Your inner bad boy will make an appearance, setting you up for some lusty adventures. You’ll be redef_ Curtis:He didn’t even get me a card yesterday.(11 April 2017) Curtis:So I go to amazon to see what he got, and it’s all stuff for him.(11 April [...]

My mother has lived with me for almost 2 years, starting when I was 5 months pregnant.
(12 April 2017)

I m 27 with two children, and my boyfriend and my Mother lives with me.
(12 April 2017)

If I try to switch groups, my friends will hate me and the new group will think I m weird.
(12 April 2017)

Switching though will be really hard though, because everyone in the school is in their own little group.
(12 April 2017)

When we walked down the hall ways I m always pushed the back and can never hear what they are saying.
(12 April 2017)

I barely have the chance to talk because I m always interrupted.
(12 April 2017)

During lunch I m pushed to the end of the table and I m not in on any conversation.
(12 April 2017)

I like the friends I have, but sometimes I just can t take it anymore.
(12 April 2017)

My friend's bf made plans to move 2 days drive away, for at least 2 years. How do I help her see the red flags?
(12 April 2017)

How do I help her see she's making poor choices?
(12 April 2017)

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