Thursday 23 March 2017

Wednesday Funnies

[image]_ Georgianne:Is my girlfriend mad if she texted me like this.?(21 March 2017) Georgianne:Me: okay I’ll text you when I get home Her: it’s okay. you don’t have too.(21 March 2017) Elwanda:HELP! I am confused on whether my ex tried to prostitute me and I don’t know where to go to get help?(21 March 2017) Elwanda:I have been struggling [...]

Just on the second date he waved a huge red flag and said he loves me...he barely knows me.
(21 March 2017)

It wasn t all that great, extremely awkward, but I decided to be nice and go on a second one to see if it would go better.
(21 March 2017)

He asked me on a date and I thought what the heck.
(21 March 2017)

I met a guy at my work, and he was really sweet.
(21 March 2017)

Ladies, if a man wrote this to you, would you assume he wasn't really interested in you?
(21 March 2017)

I sent him a joke and he responded kindly..however I mentioned he had made a grammatical error (he's not a native speaker and I'm a linguist who had been helping him before). He asked what the mistake was and I replied with a very detailed explanation.
(21 March 2017)

Then I got back in touch and he's been flirting..consistently.
(21 March 2017)

We dated a bit a few months ago then broke up due message misunderstanding and me losing the cool with him.
(21 March 2017)

Hi I have a cold and have bean throwing up and I haven t been sick today but I was Monday my mum doesn t believe that I am stil ill?
(21 March 2017)

Unrequited love ? What then?
(21 March 2017)

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