Sunday 19 March 2017

Since we re-located it’s been tough…

So we re-located to NC a year or so ago the living arrangements have not been ideal to say the least. We enjoy three-ways and now living with an elderly Aunt in the house has killed the playtime activ_ Dalene:Act coldly to everyone that is not your friend.(17 March 2017) Dalene:Ignore the girl and act like you [...]

How the hell do you make friends??
(17 March 2017)

Religious gatherings). I'm so sick of not having a life.
(17 March 2017)

I have never been out with friends or to a party or anything social except for places that I'm required to go to (i.e.
(17 March 2017)

I've only had some acquaintances in elementary school but after 5th grade even that stopped.
(17 March 2017)

There's this girl I really like and I haven't seen her for nearly 2 weeks, if I saw her this weekend and said this would it be too creepy?
(17 March 2017)

We've only talked twice, I never managed to get her number or any social media, just her first name.
(17 March 2017)

Would it be creepy if next time I saw her I told her that for the past 2 weeks I've been listening to Here Without You by 3 Doors Down because the lyrics make me think of her?
(17 March 2017)

Should I base a girls interest in me based on how she texts?
(17 March 2017)

Should I see what happens when I don't text first?
(17 March 2017)

She seems like she like me in person but over text she's kinda slow to reply and I always have texted her first since the first time I messaged her.
(17 March 2017)

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