Bantogodo, ouagadougou, Burkina Faso // Denyse:Only issues is I may have left my previous ring in for 5 weeks because the reminder app on my phone didn t go off.(16 March 2017) Denyse:I leave my ring in for 4 and switch it out to avoid having a period.(16 March 2017) Denyse:I have been using nuvaring [...]
Is there any meaning behind bumping into the same person multiple times?
(16 March 2017)
I'm not sure if it's just coincidence or if it could possible mean more.
(16 March 2017)
Our university campus is big, which it makes it that much weirder since it's always at a different place I'd usually never be at that isn't a part of my routine.
(16 March 2017)
Whenever I run into him it's during times where I'm at a place that isn't a part of my daily schedule, which makes it even more random.
(16 March 2017)
I used to have a crush on him but we never got the chance to talk to each other, since he was kinda a lone wolf.
(16 March 2017)
I've been bumping into the same guy the last three days.
(16 March 2017)
What to do if you walk in on your roommate masterbating?
(16 March 2017)
I was so shocked I just went back to my car for about 10 minutes.
(16 March 2017)
After he saw me he just turned backed and asked if I wanted to join.
(16 March 2017)
So when I got in the living room he was sitting there naked jacking off.
(16 March 2017)
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