Wednesday 1 March 2017

leave me your address so I can write you

Omaha, Nebraska // Matthew:My coach forced me to rest for the next 2 weeks and now I have too much thinking time alone.(28 February 2017) Matthew:I now also am fully attached to Wrestling, I don t want to stop I always think about it the moves points the environment etc.(28 February 2017) Matthew:My girlfriend (who [...]

Should my boyfriend and i go to the same college?
(28 February 2017)

I want to go to a college far away but i don't want to make my huge decision on a boyfriend.
(28 February 2017)

If we don't go to the same college then we will break up.
(28 February 2017)

But as we finish our junior year 2000 miles apart, the question keeps sparking our minds.
(28 February 2017)

We've being doing a long distance relationship for a year now and I am so madly in love with him, He really seems to be perfect for me.
(28 February 2017)

I am from wisconsin and he is from california.
(28 February 2017)

Should you ever chase a girl?
(28 February 2017)

It's been a few weeks and I've done the minimal.
(28 February 2017)

I ended things on a neutral note with my ex but she still tells me she loves me and wants me in her life if I make the effort.
(28 February 2017)

How can I get $ 1 million?
(28 February 2017)

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