Sunday, 5 March 2017

jeune timide

Chaumont, Champagne-Ardenne, France // Dian:She just accused me of not doing something I’m required to do, when I know for a fact I did, no question about it.(4 March 2017) Dian:She critiques me constantly and bitches about the way everything is done, blowing things way out of proportion.(4 March 2017) Dian:I have a coworker who [...]

They are still married but estranged so my mother in law has taken responsiblity for the mortgage and all of the house expenses.
(5 March 2017)

My father in law left my mother in law years before I met my husband.
(5 March 2017)

My husband and I are in our early 30s.
(5 March 2017)

She is 36 and has this tattoo on her hip that she got in college.
(5 March 2017)

Should i report my roommate?
(5 March 2017)

I have the option to just do it anonymously but I just don't know if I should.
(5 March 2017)

I can't entirely say I care about the predicament just the drugs.
(5 March 2017)

I talked to my mom about this and simple enough the right thing seems to be to just report her, but I don't want to seem like a petty, bitchy person who reported her roommate because we don't get along.
(5 March 2017)

Roommates not friends but she's sometimes snarky to me and she makes out with her boyfriend while she thinks I'm sleeping and she kind of makes me leave our room because she wants to do whatever with her boyfriend.
(5 March 2017)

But Last semester we got into a big fight and now we're just not really friends.
(5 March 2017)

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