Wednesday 1 March 2017


GOOD MORNING BLOGGERS!!!Had breakfast in bed delivered to me by my friend. Two sausage mcmuffins and large coffee.I am still sipping on the coffee. Hope you have had your coffee by now, maybe even_ Debbi:I like this co worker of mine, but we aren’t dating or even really friends.(1 March 2017) Debbi:JUST TO START OFF I didn’t [...]

Describe what would make a person be 'entitled'?
(1 March 2017)

Does my roommate really have a reason to be mad?
(1 March 2017)

I really dont understand why my roommate is so upset that i have him over, we each have our seperate rooms so we should be able to have guests in those rooms?
(1 March 2017)

Toilet paper, paper towels, hand soap, dish soap, etc is all bought by myself.
(1 March 2017)

So all of the food i make or my boyfriend eats is mine.
(1 March 2017)

Groceries are a little weird, as my roommate has almost no groceries in the house. i honestly dont even know how he eats.
(1 March 2017)

He trys to respect my roommates space as much as possible. as far as utilities go, i pay for gas and internet and my roommate only pays for electric.
(1 March 2017)

The only time he is in any part of the duplex is if i cook for him.
(1 March 2017)

My boyfriend only comes over to my place to sleep a few nights a week as he has a place of his own as well.
(1 March 2017)

We both signed a lease to a two bedroom duplex in November.
(1 March 2017)

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