Sunday 26 March 2017

Girls like to get peed on

Ok can anyone please explain to me what is up with all the girls wanting to get peed on while getting fucked what’s the pleasure in that I think that’s just weird_ Daine:She called police and the police told me I could get charged if I don’t leave her alone.(25 March 2017) Daine:I kept messaging but blocked [...]

I kissed a co-worker and everything feels weird. I also feel weird around my husband. Should I tell him? Would it hurt him?
(25 March 2017)

I think I may have fallen inlove with my co-worker.
(25 March 2017)

I just want to get away with him and forget that I'm married and have responsibilities.
(25 March 2017)

I haven't felt the same ever since then.
(25 March 2017)

I avoided him but couldn't do so well... Until that very eventful kiss...that is about to blow out of proportion.
(25 March 2017)

Ever since then, I couldn't get him off my head.
(25 March 2017)

He told me he really liked me but he doesn't wanr to mess up my marriage.
(25 March 2017)

We didn't have a problem until he revealed his feelings.
(25 March 2017)

We ended up dancing through the night and even offered to drive me home multiple times.
(25 March 2017)

My co-worker flirted with me last year during our Christmas party.
(25 March 2017)

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