Thursday 30 March 2017

Dead Zone

Well, besides a Stephen King book, anyone else out there feel sometimes> > ! that there is a dead zone of people who want to actually meet up and have some fun? Hope you are all keeping warm today! It’_ Valentina:Ever since then she’s always looked pregnant and she doesn’t seem to care about it much.. [...]

Last time I was in a relationship was in highschool, and I'm 21 now.
(29 March 2017)

Girls I do not know seems to like talking to me as they smIle blush and mess with their hair and act nervous but I have asked a few girls out and I usually always get rejected.
(29 March 2017)

I've had a couple girls call me cute or handsome bUT i could count them on my hand, they never initiate flirting unless I do.
(29 March 2017)

Does it sound like I'm gay?
(29 March 2017)

So when I was younger I used to like more girly clothing, etc, I would fantasize about wearing panties, etc (I'm male) I have been attracted to girls, but I've never really been comfortable around them.
(29 March 2017)

So I'm a white guy living in South Texas and I go to a almost all Hispanic high school. Most of the girls at my school like thehispanic guys?
(29 March 2017)

I like punk and metal, I am pretty quiet and shy and all the other people like rap music and act like gangsters.
(29 March 2017)

Pregnant from dry humping with clothes on? possible?
(29 March 2017)

I have screen shots of this guy (my boyfriend) almost cheating on me and asking if the other girl would kiss him but I love him and he knows I know and he s apologized but im heart broken should I forgive him.
(29 March 2017)

People are starting to notice, and yet im nothing but nice and helpful towards her.
(29 March 2017)

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