Sunday 26 March 2017

Cute smile and a Cuter Bottom

I think she’s enjoying herself!!_ Aurelia:I need revenge ideas for a girl trying to steal my boyfriend!?(25 March 2017) Shanika:Spoke to a girl I like after 2 years a few days ago, felt great and we talked about what we wanna do in the future.(25 March 2017) Sharonda:She’s in a situation where this guy is just horrible.(25 March [...]

I don't put much effort into my appearance so it's expected.
(25 March 2017)

How do you deal with a sadistic girlfriend?
(25 March 2017)

My girlfriend likes to ruin people s lives, how do I deal with her?
(25 March 2017)

How long after sex do you know you're pregnant?
(25 March 2017)

We were out of condoms so my boyfriend pulled out but I know that isn't super effective so I wanted to confirm this so I can pay attention.
(25 March 2017)

What is wrong with these women? Why are they like this?
(25 March 2017)

They seem to also be independent.
(25 March 2017)

They seem to twist words and seem to get extremely angry when they are shown a picture of a normal woman.
(25 March 2017)

They seem to be as strong as a man also.
(25 March 2017)

They are loud and they speak their opinions and have no fear whatsoever.
(25 March 2017)

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