Monday 27 March 2017

4 Letter Words

I’m a slut! I’m happy to be a slut, in fact, I LOVE being a slut! The thing is, I’m a really good slut, too. I know how to please a man and have him please me. Being a slut has made me a wild woman, o_ Mara:It’s not even that big yet but I love [...]

He has gotten mad about me because i was joking and laughing with my other friends in a group chat the same day england had that attack. ( i didn t know about it) he PMed me about it and i said i was sorry and i would pray for him.
(26 March 2017)

I have even gave my crush s BF advice and helped him make sure he was okay.
(26 March 2017)

I have flirted with my crush but he flirts back and its all in good fun.
(26 March 2017)

I dont think its because he thinks I m trying to break them up.
(26 March 2017)

We kind of hit it off, but lately his boyfriend has been kind of hostile towards me.
(26 March 2017)

I was sad but i didn t care that much and tried to befriend his boyfriend.
(26 March 2017)

However, a few weeks after we met he started dating this guy from online.
(26 March 2017)

Would you leave your child alone with a family member who sexually harassed you more than once?
(26 March 2017)

He is the child's grandfather so it's complicated.
(26 March 2017)

This person shows no regret for what he's done, in fact, he denies it all.
(26 March 2017)

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