Sunday 1 January 2017

What Do You Want For Christmas?

I think I want a new car. If not I’m cool with just a Keurig and some Dunkin Donuts K-Cups.B // Aiko:Is it wrong to sleep with other women behind my girlfriends back?(10 December 2016) Jenifer:What could this mean (ex)?(10 December 2016) Janey:Can someone help me choose which life style?(10 December 2016) Janey:So now i have trust issues and [...]

What is an alpha male FOR YOU?
(30 December 2016)

Does every woman, including feminists, want an alpha male?
(30 December 2016)

Pregnancy question ?. Beginning symptoms?
(30 December 2016)

What to do with a girl on new years?
(30 December 2016)

We both dont have anything to do on new years but i thought it would be awkward to hang out with eachothers families so idk what we could do?
(30 December 2016)

This is the first girl i've hung out with so it's a new thing.
(30 December 2016)

My boyfriend put it in my butt and came inside, but nothing will come out?
(30 December 2016)

I'm 17, he's 18. We've been together for 6 months.
(30 December 2016)

It's been about an hour and still nothing has come out of my butt... I feel like I have to poop really bad, but I can't when I try.
(30 December 2016)

But when he pulled out, nothing leaked out like I figured it would.
(30 December 2016)

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