Friday 13 January 2017

What About You

Agirocastro, Tamil Nadu, India // Sherrie:I just like to be around specific teachers and talking to them.(12 January 2017) Kiana:Deli meat during pregnancy?(12 January 2017) Kiana:Do you guys have any stories or advice to calm my nerves?(12 January 2017) Kiana:One of my dads co-workers said that she was always in and out of the hospital because [...]

I am biracial and have several tattoos and I'm rather busty(40DD) My husband isn't close to his family, but I know they judge what I wear and will complain.
(13 January 2017)

His family hates me (racial tension) and they are extremely conservative.
(13 January 2017)

My husband is graduating from trade school, and his family will be there.
(13 January 2017)

Is it strange I don't have any friends?
(13 January 2017)

I don't know what it is about me that young people my age avoid me.
(13 January 2017)

I don't know if people find me weird or just boring?
(13 January 2017)

I have some online friends, and they are from overseas.
(13 January 2017)

Even now as a twenty-something year old, I don't have any friends.
(13 January 2017)

I used to spend many recesses and lunches wandering on my own, bored out of my brains with nothing to do.
(13 January 2017)

Some people my age would say that no one at school likes me.
(13 January 2017)

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