Monday 2 January 2017

we must be the problem

so now is the time of year when we have more free time to do things and the things we want to do are not happening. We like movies we go a lot. but for the last 2 months there are not a lot of shows t // Merilyn:My parents fight so much and some fight [...]

He hardly reply my texts and he would usually take 2 days to reply me. he claims that he is extremely busy so I didn't say anything much.
(1 January 2017)

My 4 year old likes his dad more than me. Here's why?
(1 January 2017)

My son only wants to be around his dad and he only sleeps in his dads room.
(1 January 2017)

My son only sees that his dad gives him things and can afford things because of his nice job but me I'm here I cook I clean I give him baths I'm the only one who teaches him things.
(1 January 2017)

Even though behind clothes doors my son doesn't see how sick I am of his dad trying to sleep with me and touch me and he keeps entering in my bedroom even though I don't want to be with him.
(1 January 2017)

His dad can be mean to me but if I yell or cry my son tells me to be nice to daddy.
(1 January 2017)

He won't eat and I cook very great.
(1 January 2017)

My son has a tablet that he plays on all day that his dad bought him.
(1 January 2017)

We don't sleep together and we just co parent.
(1 January 2017)

Now because me and his dad are helping each other out we moved under one roof.
(1 January 2017)

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