Tuesday 3 January 2017

Uncle Joe is on the far left and my Aunt Nina is in the floral dress

If You Could Have Dinner with Anyone, Who Would it Be? Side note: the cousins in the pic are Nina, Joe, and Joy. And we would do anything to have one last Sunday dinner or holiday meal together as a group. Each week, I share special behind-the-scenes snapshots from our life, plus Mom to Mom … Continue reading "Uncle Joe is on the far left and my Aunt Nina is in the floral dress"

I started dating a girl that's a virgin that is not on the pill and she is wanting to become sexually active.
(2 January 2017)

How does one go about ending a friendship within a friend group?
(2 January 2017)

She already thinks no one wants to be her friend, and I feel like itd hurt her feelings so much....whats the best option?
(2 January 2017)

So should I continue drifting from her or is there a conversation that should be made?
(2 January 2017)

We already havent seen each other since the fall.
(2 January 2017)

I just dont know if I could open my heart to her, and I think we would be better as acquaintances.
(2 January 2017)

She does a lot of wreckless things and justifies it as okay or how its always other ppls fault.
(2 January 2017)

My best friend finds her hilarious whereas I dont find her that funny.
(2 January 2017)

I just drifted away from my friend because I always found she criticized a lot of things I said and I always felt I couldnt open up to her without feeling judged.
(2 January 2017)

Now we all went our seperate ways except my best friend still sees my other friend regularly.
(2 January 2017)

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