Wednesday 4 January 2017

This bike is available in the large showrooms of the bike all around in India

This bike has all the new features that make the first time riders do all in love with this 2 wheeler. The engine parts and the primary configuration are the same as the older ones, but the upgrades are unmistakably wonderful. The added 47 CC delivers 40% increase in the horsepower._ Shamika:I’m not asking if they [...]

We are happy to be friends, and we want to be, and he wants me to stay in the kids lives, cos they are my family now.
(3 January 2017)

My ex and I have spoken after the hell unleashed and then the lava receded.
(3 January 2017)

So i was with my ex for 5 years, and all the kids born within that time in his family, ive been there for, and they all call me uncle.
(3 January 2017)

We were both crazy in love, but too young, and when youre both coming out at the same time but in a relationship and in the gay world, testosterone levels can put you in shitty situations.
(3 January 2017)

I was in this 'I need to play innocent all the time and be the victim' Since breaking up and moving on, Ive learnt alot about myself, and my ex.
(3 January 2017)

At that time of being a sooky sob guy, I didnt disclose what I did to my ex.
(3 January 2017)

Basically because I opened my mouth about how my ex treated me.
(3 January 2017)

Hey, I'm a guy - dating a guy now, that doesnt get along with my ex.
(3 January 2017)

I'm 12 and I really wanna kiss a boy?
(3 January 2017)

I don't know if he wants to me and I idk how to get in a situation that might end in kissing?
(3 January 2017)

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