Wednesday 4 January 2017

Swing lifestyle

I have a normal life, jobs, kids, church, exercise, etc. I want to meet someone that I can get to know on an ongoing basis. If it becomes more than a friendship well that will be great. I want to have an open situation. I’m more interested in emotional monogamy… With a swing twist here [...]

Should I text her today or wait until tomorrow or even later?
(4 January 2017)

Then at the end she said she wanted some space, but said to text her the next day.
(4 January 2017)

Yesterday she wanted space for a little bit and mentioned that she wanted me to text her tomorrow (so today). We have been talking for couple months and we got into a pretty emotional argument yesterday.
(4 January 2017)

I just want my pain to end... Why keep going when I never have any fun, only misery?
(4 January 2017)

Please just give me a reason to live and to keep trying.
(4 January 2017)

Does trump protecting Russia and slamming American intelligence mean they did help him?
(4 January 2017)

Will America be weakened with a Russian traitor as president?
(4 January 2017)

Maybe he thinks being president he could make it go away.
(4 January 2017)

Seams obvious he's involved otherwise he wouldn't be breaking his back to defend them from the F.B.I and C.I.A.
(4 January 2017)

I finally had courage to talk to her. But it didn't go well?
(4 January 2017)

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