Saturday 28 January 2017

She’s my pumpkin pie…. sweet pumpkin pie!!!!

For just a moment, let me echo H’s thoughts she posted yesterday. I don’t know the specific area, or anyone involved, but I have had the pleasure of visiting her hometown on many occasions. It is a be_ Doreatha:At my last scan a couple days ago it was 145. 156 to 145 seems like a big [...]

Should I ask him to grab a bite next week?
(27 January 2017)

How often does a girl shave their leg ? Im 14 btw and i shaved my leg once and now i m afraid to shave my leg ?
(27 January 2017)

Why don t any girls like me at all?
(27 January 2017)

I just don t understand why Ive been ignored since day 1.
(27 January 2017)

If she likes me, why would she ignore my last couple of posts?
(27 January 2017)

I m to the point where I m ready to give up completely because nobody gives a care about me and I m so stinkin tired of being ignored.
(27 January 2017)

Now, I ve been ignored the past couple days.
(27 January 2017)

There was this girl that liked almost every one of my photos on instagram the past couple of weeks.
(27 January 2017)

I wish somebody would just tell me what they hate about me and why.
(27 January 2017)

I m NOT suicidal but I m stressed that nobody has one stinkin feeling for me at all.
(27 January 2017)

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