Tuesday 3 January 2017

Sex at the movies

My girlfriend (at the time ) and I went to the movies one day. We sat in the back row like high school kids. After about 10 minutes, we started fooling around: we kissed, I nibbled on her neck, starte //meelp.com/blog/677058/post_3743976.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Fairy:I m in to this girl and we go on the same school and if [...]

I don't have his number, but can snapchat him.
(2 January 2017)

How should I strike up a conversation?
(2 January 2017)

We didnt talk that much but i was into him and i know he at least knows who i am.
(2 January 2017)

I met this guy at a party and he doesn't go to my school.
(2 January 2017)

What did he mean when he said you're 2much?
(2 January 2017)

Will just sex turn into feelings?
(2 January 2017)

Will sex always just remain that in our friendship or will feelings come?
(2 January 2017)

Why does my boyfriend's head shake violently when sleeping?
(2 January 2017)

He hasn't gotten it checked out and I'm really concerned about why he does that.
(2 January 2017)

Her pussy stunk like fish really bad and I didn't use a condom . I don't know if anything was wrong but her vagina was right there and it was irresistible so I had to.
(2 January 2017)

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