Saturday 14 January 2017

Ready for anything!!!!

Albuquerque, New Mexico // Velva:It’s like those poor guys who win the lottery or something and then from nowhere get a girl that could be in the Miss Universe competition.(13 January 2017) Velva:Exceptions always exists but in general I would say it’s that people date people who are at about the same level off [...]

My sister found out she's pregnant.
(13 January 2017)

I took it kinda personal?
(13 January 2017)

How to make my mother like me?
(13 January 2017)

For a week I had a job and was taking care of myself but I got fired and now I'm just another body lying around.
(13 January 2017)

I'm nineteen and my living situation fell through so I moved back in with my mother.
(13 January 2017)

Why do people always look at me weird? Why do people ignore me? Why don't people like me?
(13 January 2017)

Or am I just worrying about nothing?
(13 January 2017)

I am not the most attractive girl and have never had a boyfriend.
(13 January 2017)

I usually mind my own business and do my own thing and I still feel as though people judge me.
(13 January 2017)

But whenever I am nice to anyone, they act weird about it.
(13 January 2017)

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