Tuesday 3 January 2017

Randy Gets Loose

Now I’m not much on the whole member webcam deal. For a start I find them pretty grainy at best and the sound hardly ever gets in sync with the video but hey what do you expect around this joint eh?I //meelp.com/blog/611147/post_3744345.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Anika:She only got me one and a bunch of junk I didn’t want.(12 December [...]

He talks to this other girl and he told me that he didn't think he could ever love her so I didn't need to worry but he also told me that theyre close.
(2 January 2017)

Or maybe he's just another loser that'll hurt me?
(2 January 2017)

I'm not sure if he's just confused because he just got out of a bad relationship as well.
(2 January 2017)

But on the other hand he makes it seem like more when we hangout.
(2 January 2017)

We hungout twice and have been talking but he says he doesn't want a relationship just yet which I understand.
(2 January 2017)

But, it's a big deal to me because he's the first guy I've had feelings for since I left the guy i never thought id get over.
(2 January 2017)

I've been talking to this guy for about two weeks so it isn't too serious.
(2 January 2017)

Am I misinterpreting her signals?
(2 January 2017)

Should I give it a shot and ask her out when she's ready?
(2 January 2017)

Can anyone help me out a little?
(2 January 2017)

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