Wednesday 25 January 2017

Pics from 8/28 - 9/1.

Random pics from my trip to and at Poly Camp the last weekend of August.Sorry #4 is sideways. That’s how it uploaded from my phone and I don’t know how to fix it here. There doesn’t seem to be an opti_ Verda:I’m looking for some insight on how adoptees feel not being around their genetic relatives [...]

Some of them a little bit more confident, but there are others that always look down, seem to blush, and just look very uncomfortable around me.
(24 January 2017)

What are you doing right now?
(24 January 2017)

Do you think it's OK for a guy to have feminine features?
(24 January 2017)

So what do you think, is it fine to have feminine feature even if you're a guy?
(24 January 2017)

I sing tenor sometimes in a show choir.
(24 January 2017)

I don't act feminine though although my voice when I speak is a little high pitched.
(24 January 2017)

I wish I look more masculine, probably have a more square shaped face.
(24 January 2017)

I have always had long eyelashes, oval face, slightly pointed chin and lush pink lips.
(24 January 2017)

I kind of got used to the compliment although it annoys me sometimes.
(24 January 2017)

Crush moved away and still gets to me :(?
(24 January 2017)

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