Saturday 21 January 2017

Pics for Saturday

Some pics for your Saturday._ Julia:But I worry I’m making a mistake.(16 January 2017) Julia:I talked to my sibling and they weren’t upset and totally fine, I’m sure the bride will be fine with it too.(16 January 2017) Julia:The bride comes from a family of money and excess so I think it would be a big to-do.(16 January [...]

We flirted and it got a bit sexual over fb chat. The next day when I see him tho he ignores me n ignore him too. Body language is hostile?
(16 January 2017)

Then before he replies back to me,he says 'hi to you too'. Also all the convos we have online, we dot discuss any of it in real life.
(16 January 2017)

So I ft the courage and walked up to him and started asking my questions without even saying hi at all.
(16 January 2017)

Then I was forced to ask him a question because it was for work.
(16 January 2017)

I was too nervous to even look at him in the eye and didn't say hi to him so I basically ignored him.
(16 January 2017)

I don't have depression or anything like that.
(16 January 2017)

I spend most of the time reading books, taking pictures, on the internet and playing piano.
(16 January 2017)

I think everyone's fake and unrealible.
(16 January 2017)

I'll be clear with you, I don't trust anyone not even my parents and my relatives.
(16 January 2017)

I'm always at home, never hang out with my ''friends'' I actually don't know if they're my friends...I think they speak ill of me behind my back or something like that.
(16 January 2017)

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