Sunday 1 January 2017

Looking for my girlfriend

Hi ladies i am a disabled man that is confined to a wheel chair due to sever neuropathy i am diabetic and that is why i have neuropathy i have it so bad that i wear at least one leg brace and i put that on the leg that is the worst at what ever [...]

He s been there for me through a lot and right now is really the only friend I have, but I m really his closest friend he s ever had.
(31 December 2016)

I got accepted to college with my highschool sweetheart and I couldn t be happier.
(31 December 2016)

Is it morally wrong for people at age 18 to move out?
(31 December 2016)

Isn't it more appropriate that a kid moves out in 20's?
(31 December 2016)

People say that at age 25, the brain is fully grown or at age 21. 18 is teen.
(31 December 2016)

Is it possible to get pregnant wgileon depo shot... Only had one shot my next shot is on January 27th?
(31 December 2016)

Is it possible that I could be pregnant even when I'm on the depo shot ?
(31 December 2016)

We've had unprotected sex but every time he pulls out.
(31 December 2016)

Not sure if it was just spotting.
(31 December 2016)

And I can't really tell cause I had a light period.
(31 December 2016)

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