Sunday 1 January 2017

He kept humiliating the transgender woman while she begged for mercy

The news hit the media after a video showing Jajja violently torturing a transgender woman after forcefully stripping her. She went on to beg the police not to release the culprits. And us as non-transgender persons need to be sensitive, supportive and understanding instead of mocking them._ Alva:My gf is a senior in hs and … Continue reading "He kept humiliating the transgender woman while she begged for mercy"

I really don't want to waste my time like I did before, and she wants to facetime for over 10 hours now.
(31 December 2016)

So, me and my friend have been facetiming everyday, upto 5-10 hours.
(31 December 2016)

I dont know why this happens, I thought maybe it was because it might change the way I remember meeting her or something emotional like that?
(31 December 2016)

Meeting boyfriend and his friend tonight who hates me?
(31 December 2016)

How should I deal with spending the next few hours with him, I don't want to get angry or make myself look bad?
(31 December 2016)

He was happy when he was not with me anymore, I do not feel like being fake nice to someone who is talks bad behind my back, and does not seem like a good person?
(31 December 2016)

He told him he can do a lot better than me.
(31 December 2016)

He tried very hard to get him to sleep with another female when we weren't together, inviting both of them back to his place, when they were drunk, getting them to share a bed.
(31 December 2016)

This friend of his was happy when my bf and I broke up, and made him promise not to get back with me.
(31 December 2016)

I said fine, he is bringing a new girlfriend.
(31 December 2016)

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