Wednesday 4 January 2017

End of a relationship.

Was in a two year open relationship that ended this week. Never thought it would end so quick with no real warning and affect me so much. Crushed and nauseus and don’t have anyone to talk to , feelin // Camilla:So, my other friend and I took it upon ourselves to tell the (very understanding and [...]

Shy Guys vs Outgoing Guys?
(4 January 2017)

How well do polyamorous relationships work?
(4 January 2017)

Is it something you want lifelong?
(4 January 2017)

Is there jealousy, how do you work past the jealousy.
(4 January 2017)

How does it work with each other s families?
(4 January 2017)

Girlfriend's Dancing Unit in P.E?
(4 January 2017)

I don't like the fact of another dude holding my girl and this unit goes on for another 5 days and it's really bothering me and pissing me off.
(4 January 2017)

So my girlfriend has this dancing unit in P.E. and it made me super uncomfortable after she told me that today the dude she was dancing with grabbed her butt.
(4 January 2017)

Why do i keep worrying?
(4 January 2017)

Be it something that you said, or did?
(4 January 2017)

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