Sunday 1 January 2017

Brunch - Bottomless Mimosas/Bloody Marys?

Hey, I was just thinking it’d be fun to grab brunch and grab some mimosas. I am an educated, busy young professional here who does not get too many opportunities to go to brunch on the weekends as I do work a fair amount of weekends. No expectations, just wanting to meet someone new, unwind [...]

My question is: why do people not want to hang out with me?
(1 January 2017)

In general, I get along with most people and am able to forge friendships.
(1 January 2017)

I am a bit socially awkward, especially with girls, but I'm outgoing when I get to know you.
(1 January 2017)

Despite these factors, although I have lots of friends, no one ever asks me to hang out or go anywhere with them.
(1 January 2017)

I know most people in my year and am friends with most everybody and all types of classmates (athletes, preppy kids, smart kids, etc). I m a captain of my high school's varsity football team and also am in all the honors and AP classes.
(1 January 2017)

So here's my situation: I'm a junior in high school.
(1 January 2017)

EXTREMELY WORRIED, what are the chances she is pregnant?
(1 January 2017)

Would it show,up on a pregnancy test this soon?
(1 January 2017)

I'm very scared, and I'm aware my idiocy put us in this position.
(1 January 2017)

So I rushed and got a plan B and she took it around an hour after we had sex.
(1 January 2017)

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