Thursday, 15 December 2016

The screening will take place in collaboration with Unesco and Saksham

The festival will offer a bouquet of films from all over the world with diverse story lines, narratives and new talents. This year, the festival line-up includes 26 Asian and 108 Indian premieres in the International Cinema section. This section will showcase some of the outstanding directorial debuts of 2016 from across the world._ Clarita:I … Continue reading The screening will take place in collaboration with Unesco and Saksham

My ex wife is being overprotective of the kid?
(14 December 2016)

And that's 100 times worst than getting hurt.
(14 December 2016)

What I understand is that he's being locked in a cage by his crazy mother.
(14 December 2016)

Because she's afraid ''he'll get hurt''. I don't understand what's the big deal.
(14 December 2016)

She won't let him practice martial arts or play sports.
(14 December 2016)

How do you sleep in 5 minutes?
(14 December 2016)

Ladies if you discovered your guy liked to sometimes wear women's silky lingerie while relaxing at home would you care or even notice?
(14 December 2016)

Nicknames for the name Marnie?
(14 December 2016)

My name's Marnie and I really want a nickname.
(14 December 2016)

I see people texting my boyfriend all the time but I pay it no mind cause I don't wanna seem crazy. Is he cheating?
(14 December 2016)

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