Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Lughnasadh Garden is another reality being birthed at Bealtaine

Today I am feeling angry with what I saw as I looked at the world through the poisonous media. Nature gives peaceful of mind, hapiness, well being, so Nature is my Goddess. You are a strong woman, with good energy seen in your beautiful garden, house, and love for animals._ Carina:Alright so there is a … Continue reading "The Lughnasadh Garden is another reality being birthed at Bealtaine"

The thing that confuses me is that he never texts me first and sometimes he doesn't bother to talk to me.
(6 December 2016)

He seems to go out of his way to talk to me, and this makes me thing he likes me.
(6 December 2016)

He always tries to talk to me at school and we walk together in the hallways a lot.
(6 December 2016)

I really like this guy, and I cant tell if he likes me.
(6 December 2016)

Why is this dude only rude to ME?
(6 December 2016)

He like makes jokes at others in our class but to me it's like a jab and a petty stare.
(6 December 2016)

He's not even rude like that to anyone else.
(6 December 2016)

I don't know why he does this, I mean, I've never really been bullied unless someone was jealous or something.
(6 December 2016)

Omg, so he's SO nice and talkative to my friends around me, but whenever I speak up (which is rare) or whenever I comment something, he like turns around and judges me and like makes rude comments.
(6 December 2016)

If you had a baby right now what would you name it?
(6 December 2016)

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