Wednesday, 14 December 2016

That Impersonal Flirt Button

Electronic Flirts Does anyone even know what the fuck they are supposed to be? I mean is it a wink? A seductive bat of the eyes? A jovial smile? A pat on the ass? Can someone tell me what an impersona // Dorie:So this pass week I’ve been due for a period.(22 November 2016) Mae:Why do pregnant [...]

This is not the first time this has ever happened to me without my mom looking.
(13 December 2016)

I was crying until my mom came in.
(13 December 2016)

My dad hits me with the belt right across my back and my face.
(13 December 2016)

After that my dad finally looks and my brother fake cries.
(13 December 2016)

He kept on harassing me and then I got fed up with it so I punched him super light.
(13 December 2016)

My brother was with me calling me names and hurting me.
(13 December 2016)

Hey everyone I got hit with a leather belt today when my mom was shopping and I was in the car with my dad.
(13 December 2016)

Since it was warm out and I did not go in anyplace and was only gone for about 15 minutes I drove barefoot and did not bring my shoes.
(13 December 2016)

Should I call her right now?
(13 December 2016)

I don't know... Should I call her now and set up a meeting, or would it be best to wait a day or two before calling?
(13 December 2016)

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