Sunday, 11 December 2016

Thanks and I look forward to your feedback and questions

I am recommending your products throughout my book. You are correct about the highly disturbing political atmosphere. I have never heard you say anything that would cause someone to be offended. Even if I do not need to order, I watch your shows which are so educational._ Yan:They’re throwing threats and everything, I had an … Continue reading "Thanks and I look forward to your feedback and questions"

I usually don't worries about this since im on birth control ( Nexplanon Implant). We always use condom.
(11 December 2016)

Is it true that Stonehenge as we know it is largely a fraud?
(11 December 2016)

At which age do you start discipline?
(11 December 2016)

What does it mean to you when someone is creepy?
(11 December 2016)

I want to know how YOU define someone as creepy.
(11 December 2016)

I understand the definition, and that is not what i am asking for.
(11 December 2016)

The last time I hung out with jake was probably a little over a month ago, and he left in the middle of it to go get wasted with his other friend.
(11 December 2016)

He always hangs out with one of his old friends, and doesn t really make time for me anymore.
(11 December 2016)

I m a sophomore in high school and I ve always got along with pretty much everyone.
(11 December 2016)

Why I always push my boyfriends away even if I like them very much?
(11 December 2016)

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