Husband keeps pressing me for a child - We lost our first born?
(13 December 2016)
I'm so confused and ready to give up on everything.
(13 December 2016)
Does he have any rights, can he stop me?
(13 December 2016)
If I decide to do that can he stop me even though he s made to effort to be apart of her life in 4 yrs and hasn t paid child support in over 6 yrs?
(13 December 2016)
Because our dad passed away and her and I have no more family here.
(13 December 2016)
Now my question is.... My brother wants me to sell my house and move down south to be closer to him and his family.
(13 December 2016)
He has no permitted address, hasn t given me a penny in over 6 yrs to help with her.
(13 December 2016)
When he did take her, he d leave her with friends or family members to watch her while he was out drinking and getting high.
(13 December 2016)
My daughter (who s almost 13) hasn t seen or spoken to her dad in almost 4 yrs (and he lives 15 mins down the road). It s completely by his choice.
(13 December 2016)
Help for my sons name?
(13 December 2016)
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